Härma Walls (sandstone Outcrops) At Piusa River's Primeval Valley



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Härma Walls (sandstone Outcrops) At Piusa River's Primeval Valley / Vorstellung

The Härma Mäemine or Keldri (Basement) Wall is the highest Devonian sandstone outcrop in Estonia. Here the valley brink's height reaches 43 metres. The 150 metres long open outcrop is visible up to the height of 19 metres.
The Härma Kõlgusniidu or Alumine (Lower) wall is a protruding cliff, 20.5 metres high, one of the most beautiful cliffs of the Piusa primeval valley due to its vivid clay layers and majestic pyramidical shape. The river bends around a meadow that is a good place for setting up the tent and gathering around the campfire.

Härma Walls (sandstone Outcrops) At Piusa River's Primeval Valley / Gallery

schicke E-Mail/maile

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