Vapramäe-Vellavere-Vitipalu Foundation




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Vapramäe-Vellavere-Vitipalu Foundation / Description

Vapramäe-Vellavere-Vitipalu Foundation is a non-profit association in Tartumaa, which was formed on January 8, 1999. The founder members are four local authorities: Nõo, Konguta and Palupera parishes, Elva town, Tartu Maaspordi Liit and three private individuals.
The purpose of the Foundation is to create resting facilities on the basis of Vapramäe, Vellavere and Elva-Vitipalu landscape reservation areas through complex and economic managing, seeing the peculiarity and possibilities of every protection area, with the purpose to support the entire development of the Elva leisure area.

The Foundation has built hiking paths in three regions in the Vapramäe and Elva Vitipalu landscape protection areas and Vellavere village. Every area is distinctive and differs from others. Vapramäe has cultural history and many places there are connected with folk tales and legends. Vitipalu is a wild and primitive area, as much as it is known from the historical sources, a forest has always been present there. When roaming around in this place you might find yourself in places where no man has walked for a long time. Here is present the callous landscape characteristic to South Estonia, the primitive valley of the Elva river with its high sandbank, a small witch house with swings and funicular railway, and a 27 m high watchtower.

Vellavere hiking paths introduce the life of the village. Vellavere is an approximately 1,000-years-old village and here you can read on information panels about the objects of nature preservation and antiquity preservation in the village. On the children path a play corner with swings and climbing objects has been built. In a beautiful picnic place up on the hill on the Healthy living hiking place there is also a large village swing.

Vapramäe-Vellavere-Vitipalu Foundation / Gallery

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