Restaurant Kuursaal

Pärnu, Läänemaa



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Pärnu, Läänemaa

Pärnu, Läänemaa

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Restaurant Kuursaal / Description

The colourful history of Pärnu Kuursaal started in 1893 when it became a popular beer drinking and entertainment venue. Rich tourists and ordinary citizens have had parties here for more than a hundred years, the legendary Raimond Valgre made music here and work-weary collective farmers have come here for a little spin on the dance floor. The current pub, which is the biggest in Estonia, was opened here in 2003. Here you can enjoy a hearty meal with drinks and dance the night away. There are many events in Kuursaal, but you can also book it for any occasions you wish to celebrate (we have seats for 400 people).

Restaurant Kuursaal / Gallery

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