
Search results 162


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Päinurme Koduloomuuseum


Das Dorfmuseum mit einer besonderen Exposition befindet sich im Dorf Päinurme in Järvamaa. Die Ausstellung umfasst 11 Räume zu unterschiedlichen Themen. Das Heimatmuseum Päinurme kann im Sommer dienstags, mittwochs, sonnabends und sonntags besucht werden. Interessant zu wissen: Der Gründer des Museums ist der Schüler Ründo...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Paju Lahingu Mälestusmärk


In der Nähe von Paju-Gutshof fand am 31. Januar 1919 eine der bedeutendsten Schlachten des Befreiungskrieges statt. Zusammen mit Esten kämpften für die estnische Unabhängigkeit finnische Freiwillige – in dem Regiment „Söhnen des Nordens“. In diesem Kampf wurde der bekannteste Anführer des Befreiungskrieges, Leutnant Julius...

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Pakri tuletorn


The first limestone lighthouse is known to have been erected on the Pakri peninsula in 1724. The location was allegedly picked by czar Peter the Great himself. In 1889, a new limestone lighthouse was built about 80m away from the old one, which was then regarded to have been built hazardously close to the edge of the...

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Paluküla Hiiemägi


Der Berg Paluküla Hiiemägi liegt 106 m über dem Meeresspiegel. Paluküla Hiiemägi entstand am Ende der letzten Eiszeit infolge des Rückzugs des Kontinentaleises. Hier in der Nähe liegt auch das weite Hochmoor Loosalu, das zusammen mit den Hochmooren Keava, Imsi usw. an Stelle des Stausees der Eiszeit entstanden ist....

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Paralepa alumine tuletorn

Haapsalu, Läänemaa

Lighthouses Paralepa are in Haapsalu at distance of 802 m from each other. In 1916 the lighthouses were constructed, when for pass of the military ships a way between boundary the island Vormsi and the peninsula of Noarootsi increased by 40 meters of width and 5 meters of depth. The lighthouses were covered with a temporary...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Paralepa ülemine tuletorn

Haapsalu, Läänemaa

Lighthouses Paralepa are in Haapsalu at distance of 802 m from each other. In 1916 the lighthouses were constructed, when for pass of the military ships a way between boundary the island Vormsi and the peninsula of Noarootsi increased by 40 meters of width and 5 meters of depth. The lighthouses were covered with a temporary...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Patarei Merekindlus

Tallinn, Harjumaa

Sea fortress Patarei (Battery) is a unique monument of architecture. The defence system completed in 1840 by order of Emperor Nicholas I has preserved its beautiful limestone facade. With the development of technology the fortress lost its value as defence structure and became a barrack for soldiers from different army...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Põlluotsa Talumuuseum


Der Bauernhof Põlluotsa liegt in der landschaftlich schönen Gemeinde Nõva in Westestland. In der Umgebung gibt es für Naturinteressenten grosse Sumpfgebiete, mehrere kleine Seen, umfangreiche Waldbestände und Sandstrände, ebenso drei Schutzgebiete - Geländeschutzgebiete Nõva und Suursoo in Läänemaa und das Naturschutzgebiet...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Põltsamaa Veinikelder

Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa

Põltsamaa Felix is the oldest producer of fruit and berry wines in Estonia. Manufacturing of wines got under way in 1920, and by the end of the Estonian Republic, the drinks were known and highly appreciated both in Estonia and abroad. Põltsamaa offers natural fruit and berry wines, some of which are fresh and spunky...

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schicke E-Mail/maile



The Post road (Postitee) is a historical road that has retained its winding path unchanged since the 17th century. It was once a war and trading route that linked the Hanseatic towns of Tartu and Pskov. The roadside is dotted with hiking trails and museums.

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile