
Search results 162


Schloss Cantervilla


Die heutige Bebauung des Gutshofs Pikajärve stammt aus der Zeit der von Mueller und ein großer Teil davon wurde am Anfang des 20. Jh. erbaut. Mehrere Nebengebäude aus Feldsteinen sind erhalten geblieben. In gemütlichen und geräumigen Zimmern im Hauptgebäude des Gutshofs finden 56 Personen Unterkunft. In den Suiten des Grafen...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Seegi Maja

Pärnu, Pärnumaa

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Sipa Ohvripärn


Der Stamm der Opferlinde Sipa verzweigt sich fast gleich über dem Erdboden in drei. An der Verzweigungsstelle beträgt der Umfang 8,9 m, bei dickeren Zweigen auf Brusthöhe 4,1 und 3,8 m. Interessant zu wissen; * Die vermutlich 600 Jahre alte Linde Sipa ist die dickste Linde in Estland. * Nach der Volksdichtung ist es der...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Soontagana Maalinn


Auf der Insel im Sumpf Avaste wurde im 7.-8. Jahrhundert eine Festung errichtet. Sie war für die alten West-Esten eine der bekanntesten Festungen. Sie war von einer runden Mauer umgeben, 50 mal 100 Meter, 6-7 Meter höher als die Insel selbst. Zur Festung gab es einen geheimen Weg unter Wasser durch den Sumpf, der Weg war nur...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Sorgu tuletorn

Pärnu, Pärnumaa

A brick lighthouse was built on the island of Sorgu (Sorkholm) in Pärnu Bay in 1904, which replaced the initial wooden beacon, built already in 1864. The Sorgu lighthouse is regarded to be an outstanding example of elaborate architecture. The author of the design is generally considered to be the notable military engineer...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Sõru ülemine tuletorn


The lighthouse purposes to Cheese are on Hiiyum's southwest coast near Tokhvri, they are from each other in 487 km. The basis of the channel began in 1906 and ended during World War I. Light of constant fire from a sea level on the bottom target fire was 5 m and from above 8 m. Target fires also worked during the German...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Stebeli Rannakaitsepatarei


During World War II, many battles between the German and the Soviet forces took place on the Sõrve peninsula. To reach the most powerful and the most modern coastal defence battery in Saaremaa, leave the Sääre-Kaugatuma road on its 3rd kilometre. On the 4th kilometre of this road, about a hundred metres West of the road,...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile

Suurupi Tuletornid


The front beacon of the Suurupi leading lights is located on the N coast of Suurupi peninsula. The first 11m high pyramid shaped beacon was erected in 1859, which received a category IV dioptrical device a year later. The wooden construction needed repairs already in 1885 and the lighthouse was also built a storey higher....

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schicke E-Mail/maile

Tahkuna Lighthouse


The Tahkuna lighthouse has been continuously serving as a navigational beacon here for over 100 years. It was built in Paris in 1874 and stands over 40 meters tall. Tahkuna lighthouse was brought to Hiiumaa by freighter along with its sister lighthouse that now stands on the western tip of Hiiumaa. It is believed that the...

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schicke E-Mail/maile

schicke E-Mail/maile