Põlva Linn

Põlva, Põlvamaa



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Põlva, Põlvamaa

Põlva, Põlvamaa

schicke E-Mail/maile

Põlva Linn / Vorstellung

The town of Põlva is situated in the South-East of Estonia and is an administrative center of the Põlva County. There are approximately 6500 inhabitants living in the city, more than 230 companies operating, educational establishments as well as high-quality culture, sport and medical services. The town is an excellent place for working and living because of the cozy and healthy living environment, security, youthful activities and dynamic enterprises. About 70 percent of all industrial goods of the county are produced in the city.
Põlva welcomes visitors and tourists. The diverse and virgin nature around the city allures both active holidaymakers and those who enjoy birdsong. Põlva is also suitable for the visitors who are looking for an accommodation and meals or a quiet walk amid culture and traditions.

schicke E-Mail/maile

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