Üügu Pank



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schicke E-Mail/maile

Üügu Pank / Vorstellung

The north-eastern coast is hemmed in with smaller and bigger bluffs.
The ca. 300 m long Üügu bluff is the most representative among them. The bluff in located somewhat inland from the shore but the sea has had a crushing impact on it in the course of the past millenniums and has hollowed out the slate in some places to create cave-like basins.

Good to know:
The Üügu bluff is the largest and most attractive of Muhu’s bluffs.
Before World War I, dolomite was quarried from the Üügu bluff - that has had a somewhat negative effect on the appearance of the bluff.

Üügu Pank / Gallery

schicke E-Mail/maile

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