Stichwort "laserbehandlung"

Aleksandri Schönheits- Und Fitnesscenter

Angebotene Leistungen: ● Massage ● Nail Techniker ● Kosmetikerin ● Solarium ● Infrarot-Sauna ● Friseur ● Laser Clinic ● Dental

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Biokliinik is a medical institution, which applies methods of traditional medicine. Biokliinik provides services of physical therapy, medical rehabilitiation, and inner decease treatment. Our partners in the field of analyses and tests are medical laboratories in Estonia, Germany, and Moskow.

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Biolase Laserhambakliinik

Introducing a significant breakthrough in cosmetic dental laser technology – the LaserSmile™ accelerated whitening system utilizing TCIA™ technology. The LaserSmile system has many advantages & benefits over other whitening devices to give you a Laser White Smile. SIMPLE The LaserSmile™ whiening procedure is simple and...

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Fra Mare Thalasso Spa

Im Fra Mare Thalasso SPA ist es einfach, Glück und Ruhe zu finden – das Meer, das sein Lied singt, viele stille Buchten und Eilande, Spaziergänge in der heimeligen und romantischen Stadt Haapsalu, strömendes Mondlicht der Augustnächte, das erfrischende Aroma des Kiefernwaldes ... Das Fra Mare Thalasso SPA befindet sich im...

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Ksa Silmakeskus

KSA Tallinn Eye Centre is the first and biggest KSA clinics in Estonia. Laser treatments are done in Tallinn as well. Even though the clinic in Tallinn is the biggest, it is still comfortable and convenient place to receive answers to all your questions about laser treatment. All preliminary studies and follow-ups are...

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Ksa Silmakeskus Tartus

KSA:) Tartu is located in the city centre on the 2nd floor of Emajõe Business Centre, Soola str. 8. KSA Tartu clinic is a very modern and cozy healthcare facility with warm atmosphere. KSA Tartu Centre’s goal is to offer first class eye studies for patients in South Estonia. The clinic is equipped with the most modern...

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Naturheilzentrum Loodus

Unser einzigartiges Naturheilzentrum ist bestens geeignet für Ihren erholsamen Urlaub aber auch als Ausrichtungsstätte verschiedener Seminare und Schulungen. Das ganze Jahr über werden 7-Tägige Entschlackungs- und Diätkuren angeboten. Es wird Ihnen nichts fehlen, was Ihrer Gesundheit guttut - unter anderem werden Ihnen...

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Refocus Silmakeskus in Tallinn

ReLEx SMILE – the very latest in eye laser surgery Minimally invasive methods of diagnostics and therapy are playing an ever-growing role in medicine. Tissue-sparing surgical methods are more comfortable for patients and come with less risk of complications. ReLEx SMILE, developed by Carl Zeiss, is the first minimally...

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