Hotell Ecolandi Spa

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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"teenindus väga vastutulelik ja sõbralik,eriti rahule jäime teenustega,mis olid siis soolakamber kahele,mudahooldus üle keha kahele ja... (5.0)" Write a review

Tallinn, Harjumaa

Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Hotell Ecolandi Spa / Description

Mud therapy was known already in Herodotus’ times in the fifth century B.C. He recalled about Tavrike and of the salt water lake with healing mud and the “Egyptian method of cure“ used there, i.e. the patient was coated with mud, dried out in the sun and after that washed in salt water...

The uniqueness of the effect of Saki mud on human organism may be described in popular manner as follows:

Saki mud cure may be characterised as having curative properties able to mobilise all mechanisms of the human organism. It is shown by better functioning of systems and organs, improvement in functions of various cellular structures, in enzymes, hormones, vitamins and every kind of metabolism. The medical statistics of many years confirms that it is simply impossible to find analogues to Saki mud cure by achieved results in complete convalescence of patients with neurological, urological, gynaecological and numerous other diseases.

Hotell Ecolandi Spa / Gallery

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Lissi Lips
Rating: 5.0

teenindus väga vastutulelik ja sõbralik,eriti rahule jäime teenustega,mis olid siis soolakamber kahele,mudahooldus üle keha kahele ja massaas mõlemale. Teenindajad jätsid väga profi mulje ja olid väga meeldivad.Restoranis oli vene köök, mis oli väga maitsev.Kogu hotell ja restoran on vene stiilis,mis on väga omanäoline ja huvitav.Toaga jäime ka rahule,ainukesed miinused,mida võiks välja tuua,et tookord ei olnud veel eesti TV-d,kuid ega sinna ei mindagi telekat vaatama ja teine miinus,et parajasti toimus juurdeehitus,mis tekitas müra ja aknast vaade oli ehitusele,kuid see on õnneks mööduv ebameeldivus. (30.10.2010)

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