Kasari Luht ja Kloostri Linnutorn




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Kasari Luht ja Kloostri Linnutorn / Description

Kasari meadow in Matsalu National Park in Läänemaa is the biggest preserved open meadow in Europe – 4000 hectares in size. The meadow needs cutting and hay needs to be taken away on an annual basis; otherwise, it will turn into scrubland. In springs the meadow is usually flooded for a couple of weeks. The view opening from Kloostri birdwatching tower is magnificent – the tower is also good for birdwatching. In summer, after flooding, you can come and watch wild animals.
Good to know:
In springs it might not be possible to get to the tower without your feet getting wet.

Kasari Luht ja Kloostri Linnutorn / Gallery

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