Marilaiu ülemine tuletorn / Description
The lighthouse is located in 4 km to the southwest from the island Vormsi.In 1885 on east coast was constructed lighthouse in height of 4 m (58 ° 58,2 'N, 23 ° 05,2' E) which worked at oil lamps, later on the petrol. White and red light which were variable (40 times a minute) was visible in sector to the southeast from 23 ° to E and N to NW 18 °. The light was on the height of 4 m over the sea and visibility of 4 miles. In 1916 visibility of light was 7 miles.
In 1920 the lamp of AGA was established. In 1922 light characteristic was: Fl W 4 s; 0,5 + 5,5 = 6 s
In 1928 light was visible over sector 162 ° to S and W to 337 °. In 1937 there was a green light sector: White 162 ° to 265 ° to S, Green 265 ° WL to 314 ° white 314 ° to 337 °. In 1940 the white 12-meter ferroconcrete lighthouse was constructed. Light sector: White 24 °-250,5 °, 250.5 ° -314 ° green, white, 314 °-336,5 °, 336.5 ° red - 24 °. In 1941 during war the lighthouse was damaged, but restored soon. In 1961 light was at the height of 12 meters, depending on color visibility was 10/8/6 miles. Light characteristic: ISO W/R/G 4, 2 + 2 = 4 s. In 1979 visibility were: white 5 miles, red 3 miles and green 2 miles. In begining of 1990 the device worked from the power of the radioactive EM-200 generator. Today the lighthouses work at solar and wind energy.
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