Mosaiik Cafe in Kuressaare

Kuressaare, Saaremaa



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Kuressaare, Saaremaa

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Mosaiik Cafe in Kuressaare / Description

Kuressaare is well known for its culinary delights, and another has just been added to its retinue: Mosaiik. This cafe in the centre of the town opened its doors in May 2013, a subsidiary of the very successful cafe of the same name that has been operating in Tallinn for a number of years. So far, the welcome it has received in Kuressaare has been just as warm. The menu has something for everyone, from traditional porridge to marinated eel, while the cafe's own cakes are sure to leave you wanting more. Live music plays at the cafe on weekends.

Mosaiik Cafe in Kuressaare / Gallery

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