Rapla Jõepromenaad

Rapla, Raplamaa



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Rapla, Raplamaa

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Rapla Jõepromenaad / Description

This promenade, which winds its way along the banks of the Keila River, is a favourite spot among walkers. On one side it is bordered by the Vigala River, and on the other by the Maarja-Magdaleena church park.
Did you know…?
*You can picnic on the promenade, and even share some of your lunch with the resident ducks
*The church park is home to Rapla’s oldest building – the parsonage, dating from the 18th century
*The parsonage currently houses the Rapla Art Society
*While you are here, be sure to visit Rapla church with its unique twin towers
*In the church garden you will see a freedom monument designed by Jaan Koort

Rapla Jõepromenaad / Gallery

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