St. John The Baptist's Orthodox Church Of OfMõniste-Ritsiku




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St. John The Baptist's Orthodox Church Of OfMõniste-Ritsiku / Description

Mõniste Ritsiku congregation was founded in 1837. The church was situated in the barn of Karumõisa until 1856 when 1855 autonomous church was built in Mõniste in the Vana-Roosa commune. It`s a wooden building with tin roof. At first the church was called Mõniste as it was on the land of Mõniste manor but as the church actually wasn`t in Mõniste it was then renamed Mõniste Ritsiku Church.
Parish clerks - ministers did lots of work in educating the local population. Until 1931 one parish school and three ancillary schools functioned in the congregation of Ritsiku.
The church is solemnized to the name of John the Baptist; each year on the 24th of July the name day of the church is celebrated by the congregation.

St. John The Baptist's Orthodox Church Of OfMõniste-Ritsiku / Gallery

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