Saaremaa Spa Hotels has 73 percent Estonian guests
In Q1 2006, 7,500 guests stayed at Saaremaa Spa Hotels, 330 more than in 2005. The percentage of Estonians was 73 percent (11 percent more year-on-year). The company expects an increase in Swedish customers next year in connection with groups taken there by the airline Skyways. Toivo Ast, president of the board of Saaremaa Spa Hotels, says that despite construction work in connection with the Spa Hotel Meri's extension, Saaremaa Spa Hotels has managed to reach 57 percent occupancy and EEK 17.3 million (EUR 1.1 million) in sales revenue in Q1.
Suur tänu Bussijuht ADO PÜÜA! Pole eales kohanud sellist hoolivust, sõbralikkust... Suur tänu kõigile! AITÄH, et... (16.09.2024)
Kohviku klienditeenindaja oli ilus (07.09.2024) (18.08.2024)