Olde Hansa Medieval Beerschmecking

October 12th – 25th

Vote for the best beer in Tallinn!

Find your favourite amongst Ginger Beer, Honey Beer, Beer with Herbs and Cinnamon Beer!

Try your fortune and win a medieval feast for 4!

The cost of Beerschmecking is 390 EEK (25 €) and for it you will get:

- 2 mugs (á 0,5 l) flavored beers, 4 various sorts
- Savouries
- Salted almonds
- a gorgeous beermug Bartmannskrug as a gift

Reservation and information: reserve@oldehansa.ee, +372 627 9020

Olde Hansa
Vana Turg 1, Tallinn 10140
Telefon: +372 627 9020



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"No meeõlu Olde Hansas on ikka üle prahi! (5.0)" Write a review

Tallinn, Harjumaa

Tallinn, Harjumaa

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