Alevivanema Carl Schmidti Maja

Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa



Viimane kommentaar:

"I was there two times (April and Sepember). Next time I stay there if possible. I liked it! (4.0)" Anna hinnang

Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa

Saada e-mail

Alevivanema Carl Schmidti Maja / Tutvustus

- Majutus
- Kohvik-restoran
- Pubi
- Seminarid

Alevivanema Carl Schmidti Maja / Galerii

Saada e-mail

Anna hinnang


Elina Mskkonen
Hinnang: 4.0

I was there two times (April and Sepember). Next time I stay there if possible. I liked it! (09.07.2014)

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