Kayaking trips to Aegna, Mohni and Kolga Bay in August

In case you wish to explore some of Estonian islands this summer, you can still do it in August.

Reimann Retked organise kayaking trips to Aegna island on the 9th and 16th of August, to Mohni island on the 14th and 21st of August and to the islands of Kolga Bay on the 28th of August.

You can come alone or together with your friends.

The trips to Aegna start at 6 pm and last ca 4 hours. The price per person is 28 eur.

The trip to Mohni on the 14th of August starts at 9 am from Käsmu and lasts ca 4,5 hours and costs 25 eur per person.

The trio to Mohni on the 21st of August starts at 11 am from Viinistu and lasts ca 5-6 hours and costs 47 eur per person.

The trip to Kolga Bay islands at 11 am from Kaberneeme and lasts ca 5-6 hours. The price per person is 47 eur.

Booking at least two days in advance: info@retked.ee and phone: +372 5114099



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