Setomaa Tourist Farm / Apraksts
Setomaa toursim cottage is located hard by the Meremäe hill. It is a nice and quiet place for a refreshing vacation. It is a good possibility to withdraw from the working stress to free nature. As the surroundings are quiet and peaceful (tranquil), you can often see wild animals wandering around the cottage, especially early in the morning.Time could nicely be spent near the fire grilling meat or sausages, listening to singing of the birds and forest murmur near the cottage or on the forest traps, visiting sauna and doing sports. Romanitics can admire the beautiful starlight sky in the darkness of the night and if they are lucky also see the aurora.
Sauna pleasures are offered both in traditional finnish sauna and in genuine smoke-sauna. In summer time you can chill yourself in springful pond water / for children a special place / and in winter time also in the ice holes.
You can learn ancient handicraft in the cottage - knitting on the looms, braiding of the ribbons etc. You can also buy genuine seto handicraft.
Besides all this you can visit interesting places of Setomaa, get acquainted with genuine seto culture and interesting history of seto, take part in local events. It is also possible to order performances of seto singers, with whom it is also very interesting to talk about seto culture and traditions.
Seto schoolchildren are very eager to present their songs, dances and spectacles to all visitors. Setomaa has preserved unique language, the tradition of wearing folk costumes, skills of leelo sing-song and handicrafts. Our traditional cooking methods have handed down from mother to daughter trough the generations.
It is possible to organize get-togethers in open air (there is plenty of room around the farm for campers). Seminars and training courses can be organised in a cosy room with fireplace (you can use overhead projector, screen, paper board, TV and video).
When coming from Meremäe, drive 1,7 km along the road that goes to Vastseliina citadell. You´ll find the farm on the right side of the road.
When coming from Võru, drive 19 km until the sign "Meremäe 11", turn left from there and drive 9 km along the road that goes to Vastseliina citadell. You´ll find the farm on the left side of the road.
Konferenču zāles
Technical addons: internet (WiFi), video projector, flipchart
Other addons: catering, accommodation, sauna, parking
Technical addons: internet (WiFi), video projector, flipchart
Other addons: catering, accommodation, sauna, parking
Setomaa Turismitalo uue maja konverentsisaal
Technical addons: internet (WiFi), flipchart, video projector
Other addons: catering, accommodation, sauna, parking
Setomaa Turismitalo uue maja konverentsisaal
Technical addons: internet (WiFi), flipchart, video projector
Other addons: catering, accommodation, sauna, parking
Write a review
Olin kah sel ajal talus, kui Võsa Nulgas peatunud rahvas ruigas ja lasi lastel teha, mida need heaks arvasid. No õudukas ja nüüd tulevad siia rääkima, et noored ja ilusad ärgu sinna mingu, sest teenindus oli halb. Teenindus oli täitsa normaalne, aga jah, kui juua ja läbustada tahate, siis sinna ärge minge, sest nii jääb normaalsetele inimestele parem võimalus puhkuse ajal ikka ka puhata. Anonüümne negativist - osta peegel ja vaata kõigepealt ennast, ära süüdista teenindavat personali! Klient on kuningas ikka vaid siis, kui ise kuninglikult käitub. Panen hindeks hea, sest sina, kõrvalmaja räuskaja keda jagub ka siia, rikkusid mu puhkuse viimase öö ära! (10.08.2014)
Jäime talus viibitud ajaga väga rahule!!! Ainult, et kõrvalmajas olnud seltskond räuskas esimesel õhtul kõvasti ega lasknud üldse magada. Lapsed olid ka justkui valjuhääldile keeratud - lõugasid veel poole öö ajal. Aga no mis teha, kui lapsevanemad alkoholi tarbides ei oske ise piiri pidada ega tee seda ka ise. Personali korduvatele palvetele vaiksemalt olla nad ka ei allunud. Aga mis teha, paraku ei saa kaaskliente valida, kui kogu kompleksi just ei broneeri. Aga lärmakatest kaaskülalistest a oli väga tore olemine koos sõbraliku teenindusega. Meie küll soovitame!!! (10.08.2014)
Latest review:
"Olin kah sel ajal talus, kui Võsa Nulgas peatunud rahvas ruigas ja lasi lastel teha, mida need heaks arvasid. No õudukas ja nüüd tulevad... (4.0)" Write a review