Природоохранные зоны

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Hino Lake Landscape Reserve


Hino Lake Landscape Reserve is located in Misso parish, about 2 km south of Misso. The main purpose of the reserve is the protection of birds; however the protection of the lake as a beautiful natural object is not less important. Hino Lake (area 200 ha, depth to 10,4 m), which has a broken up shoreline and varied bottom...

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Järvselja Nature Reserve


Järvselja is a small village in the south-eastern part of Tartu County near Lake Peipsi. Although it has less than 50 inhabitants, the village is well known amongst people connected with forestry and nature protection. The forests and wetlands of Järvselja are known both in Estonia and foreign countries, being part of the...

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Kasari Luht ja Kloostri Linnutorn


Пойма реки Казари в Ляэнемаа, в Матсалуском Национальном парке является крупнейшим сохранившимся в Европе открытым заливным лугом, площадью 4000 га. Пойменный луг нуждается в ежегодном кошении и сборе сена, иначе быстро зарастет порослью. Весной в пойме Казари обычно происходят двухнедельные паводки. Со смотровой вышки...

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Kassinurme Forthill


Kassinurme Hills, Site of the medieval fortress and Place of Worship. By a legend Kassinurme Hills were formed by Kalevipoeg, who brought the sand in his leather apron and piled it up here. The oval pit near the hill is called his washing basin. In the surroundings a lot of small hollows, so called Kalevipoeg´s handprints and...

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Kuimetsa Doline


A few kilometres from Kuimetsa centre to Vaovere at the foot of Neitsikmäe the road crosses Kuimetsa doline area (under protection) which among the locals are known as “Iida urked.” In one of the largest and most unique doline areas in Estonia, there are several forms of doline: valleys, craters, concavities, channels,...

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