Архитектурные достопримечательности

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Courthouse In Pärnu

Pärnu, Pärnumaa

The exclusive neo-renaissance building was put up for the Pskov Junker and Ko Bank in 1834-1835. It has been a courthouse since 1928.

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Courthouse In Viljandi

Viljandi, Viljandimaa

The courthouse is a two-storied stone building originally built for the court and completed in 1895. This Neo-Renaissance building has permanently been in use as the residence of the regional court.

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Eduard Vilde Memorial Stone


The writer Eduard Vilde (1865- 1933) was born in Pudivere. His birthplace is marked with a memorial stone.

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Eekbkl Tartu Salemi Baptistikoguduse Kirik

Tartu, Tartumaa

Приходите и познакомьтесь с современной и просторной Тартуской Салемской баптистской церковью (архитектор Марья Нуммерт). Церковь была открыта 28 июня 1988 г. концертом-благодарственной службой. Приглашаем вас послушать концерты в церковном зале с хорошей акустикой, который вмещает в себя почти 400 человек. Интересно...

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Eesti Saarte Turism

If you want a break from everyday life to spend a nice relaxing day in the sea air, on a small island of Estonia, surrounded by untouched nature, or you wish to learn about the life, history and culture of these unique islands, then you are at the right place. We organise experience tours and educational excursions, hikes in...

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Eliisabeti Kirik

Pärnu, Pärnumaa

The church built under the guidance of Riga master builder J. H. Güterbock in 1744-1747 is one of the most outstanding examples of baroque churches in Estonia. The spire of the tower was made by J. H. Wülbern, the tower master of Riga’s St. Peter’s Church. The church was sanctified in 1750. As Russian Empress Elizabeth funded...

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