Eesti Kontsert

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Eesti Kontsert / Описание

* The State Concert Institute Eesti Kontsert organises 800–900 concerts annually in Estonia and abroad, encompassing a wide musical range including symphonic and chamber music, contemporary music, jazz and non-European music.
* Eesti Kontsert holds concerts in schools and outdoors, in many other chamber halls all over Estonia, offers concert series for rural municipalities, music institutions and local concert arrangers across the state. Among the ranks of Eesti Kontsert are two internationally renowned groups of musicians: the Estonian National Male Choir and early music consort Hortus Musicus.
* Eesti Kontsert organises yearly international music festivals, such as pianists’ festival KLAVER (PIANO), new music festival NYYD, “Glasperlenspiel”, Baroque music festival, Tallinn Organ festival, festival “Orient”, Pärnu Opera Days, contest for young musicians “Con Brio” etc.
* Eesti Kontsert manages the largest multi- purposed concert halls in Estonia: Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn, Vanemuise Concert Hall in Tartu and Pärnu Concert Hall. All the halls mentioned, seat approximately one thousand people, have good acoustics and are furnished with modern interiors and the latest technical equipment.

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