Kudjape Cemetery

Kuressaare, Saaremaa



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Kuressaare, Saaremaa

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Kudjape Cemetery / Описание

On the north - eastern edge of Kuressaare there is the most interesting cemetery in Saaremaa. It is a unique graveyard with the classicistic chapels, crypt or chamber graves and monuments made of dolomite. The cemetery is rich in ashlers and forgings. The oldest grave dates back to the year 1787. Several outstanding persons that have lived in Kuressaare, like Johann Wilhelm Ludvig von Luce (1756 - 1842), Jean Baptiste Holzmayer (1839 - 1890), Friedrich Sigismund Stern (1812 - 1889), Martin Körber (1817 - 1893) and many others have been buried here. There is also a monument in the honour of the repressed islanders, in the Southern part of the cemetery there is a military cemetery where both German and Russian soldiers have been buried.

Kudjape Cemetery / Галерея

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