St. Mary's Lutheran Church In Otepää

Otepää, Valgamaa



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Otepää, Valgamaa

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St. Mary's Lutheran Church In Otepää / Описание

Built: 1860, 1890.
The church architecture unites neo-baroque and neo-gothic styles (architect Reinhold Guleke). Altar painting “Christ on the cross” (Theodor Alber Sprengel, 1880), organ by Ernst Kessler (1853). Memorial reliefs on the facade commemorating the consecration of the blue-black-white flag by the Estonian Students Society (Voldemar Mellik, 1934; restored 1989). Estonian Flag Museum in the parsonage. Monument to Jakob Hurt (Villu Jaanisoo, 1989).

St. Mary's Lutheran Church In Otepää / Галерея

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