Uspensky Orthodox Church In Tartu

Tartu, Tartumaa



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Tartu, Tartumaa

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Uspensky Orthodox Church In Tartu / Описание

Uspensky Church, which forms a uniform complex with a long priest house on the northern side, was built in 1783 and belongs to the early classical period.
Uspensky Church is located in the same place as the St. Mary- Magdalena's Church of a Domonican cloister founded before 1300.
The details of the building are typical of Russian early classicism. The interior of the church is relatively modest in terms of architecture. The long priest's house had initially been a row house with six apartments, but in 1854- 1855, it was rebuilt and as of that time it forms a single complex with the church.

Uspensky Orthodox Church In Tartu / Галерея

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