
Sökningsresultat 90


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Tondi Maneež

Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Tõnise Majatalu


A dream come true. During past years, my husband Kalervo and I have often been cycling on the islands of Estonia and, thus, become acquainted with them. On our trips we have stayed at a number of guest houses. Wonderful experiences in the middle of the pure nature, in stillness and under the stars in the sky have enchanted...

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Vaikla Puhkekeskus


We are proud to announce, that from the 1st april You have an opportunity to have a horse rides in Ida-Virumaa. Available for adults and children, beginners and professionals... everybody can have a good rest in a company with such a beatiful creatures. At Your service arena rides under professional control, and free...

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Veetee rafting och kanotutflykter


Våra vattenutflykter är garanterat trevliga upplevelser! Ta med vänner eller arbetskamrater och se Estlands vackra floder, sjöar och natur ur ett helt nytt perspektiv. VeeTee erbjuder kompletta tjänster, från båtuthyrning och transport till instruktörer och lunch. Ett enkelt sätt att få en oförglömlig upplevelse utan alltför...

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Võerahansu Puhkemajad


The Võerahansu Holiday Houses are a wonderful place for everyone who is fond of arts and nature. Staying at Võerahansu gives you an opportunity to rest and relax. If you want to get closer acquainted with the sights of Estonian countryside, Võerahansu is a good place to start from. The Võerahansu Holiday houses are situated...

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