Lux-Medicus Beauty Clinic

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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"7/2023 Älä anna huijata itseäsi. Scammer. No doctor. Only ladies do not speak nor understand English well. I went here in Lux... (1.0)" Write a review

Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Michaela Merkkiniemi
Rating: 1.0

7/2023 Älä anna huijata itseäsi. Scammer. No doctor. Only ladies do not speak nor understand English well. I went here in Lux Medicus Tallinn Estonia to have dermabrassion for my face. Price in their website €43. I asked the lady who works in the cashier area is it the same as in the website, she answered me its €75 for 40minutes work. Then they do service for my face only wiping my skin with creams and do not even use steam machine and they do not scrub my skin and uses other devices to remove dirt from face. The lady who cleansed my face told me I have a very oily skin but she do not even intruduce herself who is she? Is she a nurse or a doctor dermatologist? Its not my first time visiting other skin clinic in my life, i just no choice to visit Lux Medicus because of family holiday in Estonia. Do workers knows their services as they do not do exactly what customer requested? Even she suggested to me to visit their clinic every week because of my skin problem?? Lots of money to spend and ruining my skin same time. They even offer me products high prices even available in own website of ANUBIS Barcelona that I can even buy direct online manufacturer's! Do not be deceived by how their clinic and website looks like. The lady in the cashier takes advantage will fool you what they offer and do not understand even english as keep on asking to me same questions. They even suggested me to visit Lux Medicus Helsinki, why I go if they are all scammers and fooling?! I just being polite and nice that I know I will give them reviews online. Now, I got eye allergies because of their Anubis cream wash. Who is reliable now? How am I going to use other products they offered me if one product gives me allergies already? From the start they fool me in the price not correct in their website, then services not according as described and products made in Spain that I can even buy like La Roche-Posay in the market. They just take advantage of tourist's money. I will NOT recommend this to all tourists. Love your skin, do not waste your money with Lux Medicus Tallinn. (10.07.2023)

Rating: 5.0

Aitah! Ilusüstid oli super (13.12.2015)

Rating: 5.0

Best beauty injection clinic! Parim ilusüstid ilukliinik. (12.12.2015)

Rating: 5.0

Best beauty injection clinic! Parim ilusüstid ilukliinik. (12.12.2015)

Rating: 5.0

Thanks Lux-medicus Beauty Clinic (27.08.2014)

Rating: 5.0

Good pleace and spetsialists! Best Laser treatment (27.08.2014)

Rating: 1.0

Kävin jalkahoidossa, joka maksoi 32 euroa. Minut selvästi unohdettiin liottamaan jalkoja, koska vesi oli jo aikaa sitten muuttunut kylmäksi, kun hoitaja viimein lopulta saapui uudelleen paikalle. Onneksi minulla oli kirja mukana... Huoneessa olevien välineiden pinnat olivat todella likaisia ja jätti sellaisen tunteen, että kuinkakohan siellä jalkahoidonkaan instrumentteja puhdistetaan saati sitten steriloidaan. Hygienia syistä en uskalla suositella. Palvelun ystävällisyyden puolesta kyllä. (10.08.2014)

Rating: 1.0

Kiertäkää paikkaa kaukaa!! Teinityttömme otti kulmien värjäys + muotoilu hintaan 8 €. Kulmakarvoja nyppiessä revittiin pinsetillä monesti ihoa jonka tuloksen punaisia pisteitä ihossa ja kulmaväri pidettiin iholla maks. 3 minuttia. Seuraavana päivänä kulmaväri oli jo haalistunut. Minä otin Classic jalkahoidon hintaan 26 EUR jossa leikattiin kynnet niin alas että ne alkoivat vuotamaan verta ja kynsinauhaa leikkaessa leikattiin ihoon pitkä haava. Jalkapohjan kovettumille ei tehty mitään. Niin nössö olin etten paikan päällä uskaltanut avautua ja kieltäytyä maksamasta joka harmittaa jälkikäteen. (07.06.2014)

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