Monument Of Dr. Fr. R. Kreutzwald And Town Park In Võru

Võru, Võrumaa



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Võru, Võrumaa

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Monument Of Dr. Fr. R. Kreutzwald And Town Park In Võru / Beskrivning

Kreutzwaldi Park is located in the town of Võru, beside Tamula Lake. In the central part of the park there is a bronze statue of Dr. F. R. Kreutzwald, which was erected in 1926 with donations. It was opened August 29th 1926. The avenue, which starts from the monument, leads straight to the centre of the old part of the town.
The time of the park`s establishment is not known, but the age of the main tree species - birches and limes - is estimated to be more than one hundred years. Conifers in the park are spruce and silver fir. At the edge of the park on the town side there is a hedge of dwarf cornel. A hedge of Siberian pea tree edges the park on the side of Tamula.

Monument Of Dr. Fr. R. Kreutzwald And Town Park In Võru / Galleria

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