Olympic Casino Eesti AS

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Olympic Casino Eesti AS / Beskrivning

Olympic Casino is a leading provider of casino entertainment in Estonia. The company, which started with one casino in Pirita in 1993, operates today 24 casinos in Tallinn, Tartu, Narva and Jõhvi. In addition to modern slot machines, visitors can also enjoy the excitement of poker, blackjack, roulette and baccara in the casinos in the Tartu and Tallinn.
Work organisation of Olympic Casino is in compliance with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001. The company is a full member of the European Casino Association and a major sponsor of the Estonian Olympic Committee.
Olympic Casino in Estonia employs about 500 people. During its 13 years of activities, the company has paid about 270 million Estonian kroons as gambling tax.
In addition to 24 casinos in Estonia, Olympic Entertainment Group – the parent company of Olympic Casino Estonia – also operates in Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belorussia. The group employs more than 2,000 people in total.

Olympic Casino Eesti AS / Galleria

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