Olympic Casino Pirita

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Olympic Casino Pirita / Beskrivning

Tallinn Olympic Sailing Centre was the birthplace of Olympic Casino and this is also where the name stems from. The first ever Olympic Casino was opened here and to the great satisfaction of gaming enthusiasts continues to operate to this day in this leisure centre on the bay of Tallinn. The casino has 31 slot machines operating in the cash-free accounting system EZ Pay™, enabling the use of special tickets instead of coins and bills. 6 of the slot machines are linked to the jackpot-system called Fort Knox. This is a four-level additional win opportunity with the highest, platinum level wins starting at 200,000 kroons. In addition to the Temptation Island casino and bar the spacious complex is hosting a modern SPA hotel, sports and conference centre, and also a restaurant.

Olympic Casino Pirita / Galleria

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