Spk Paintball / Beskrivning
SPK servicesPlaying on site
Equipment rent— 7EUR. for adults and children
Balls — 0.035 EUR.
Playing in the forest
Equipment rent — 7 EUR. for adults and children
Balls — 0.035 EUR.
Playing outside Tallinn
Equipment rent — 7 EUR. for adults and children
Balls — 0.035 EUR.
Paintball is a sport in which players eliminate opponents by hitting them with pellets containing paint (referred to as a "paintball"), usually propelled from a CO2 or compressed-gas (HPA or Nitrogen) powered paintball gun (or marker).
The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association estimates that over 5.4 million people played the game in the United States in 2007, with over 1.5 million playing at least 15 times.
Games can be played either indoors or outdoors and take various forms which are generally divided between woodsball played in natural, wooded terrain and speedball played on open, level fields with artificial obstacles.
Rules for playing paintball vary widely. The most common form involves two opposing teams seeking to capture their opponent's flag and return it to their starting position, but other objectives may include eliminating all of the other team's players, eliminating a specific player, defending or attacking a particular point or area, or capturing objects of interest hidden in the playing area. Depending on the style of paintball played, a game can last from seconds to hours.
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555 (20.04.2024)
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555 (20.04.2024)
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555sZV6wMKU (20.04.2024)
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