Taisto Bussid

Tallinn, Harjumaa



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"Ei saanud bussi kuna juhile meeldisid naised rohkem (1.0)" Write a review

Tallinn, Harjumaa

Tallinn, Harjumaa

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Taisto Bussid / Beskrivning

Taisto Bussid has been a competitive bus rental company since 1993. In the last 12 years, we have developed to one of the biggest – if not to the biggest – bus rental companies in Estonia. We are proud of the fact that since 2005, seven of our buses have regularly been serving custormes in the Kingdom of Sweden. That has added value to our company in the international field.
Throughout the years, we have renewed our buses and enlarged the choice of different buses, in order to stay competitive and offer our clients the best buses for rent. At the moment, it is possible to choose among 30 buses which have been prepared for journeys overseas and outside Estonia, and 40 buses for trips in Estonia.

There are 26 coaches in our buspark, of which 5 are doubledeckers.

Customers’ satisfaction is very important to us, and therefore we maintain our buses in the best technical condition, as well as keep them clean and nice. It is very easy for us to follow all the travel schedules, if the buses are in an excellent condition.
Our motto is to take our clients to the destination they have chosen, and take them back home safely as well. Our mission is to provide satisfaction for the passengers and the courier.
We would kindly like to help you when planning a trip – our staff is highly qualified and giving professional advice is our pleasure. Our staff will help you with the following services: booking hotel rooms, ferry tickets, drawing up visas and ordering a guide, if necessary. We will do everything possible, so that our customers can enjoy their trip!
Due to good qualifications and experience, the best bus drivers are working in our company, whom we can fully trust. Throughout the years, it is inevitable to avoid difficult situations in traffic, but there have not been situations our excellent bus drivers cannot handle!
Our company follows fair business principles, and therefore we are proud of the continually stable prices we can offer.
We truly believe, we can serve you, dear customer, in the future with the best prices and provide the best service.

Taisto Bussid / Galleria

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Rating: 1.0

Ei saanud bussi kuna juhile meeldisid naised rohkem (21.12.2019)

Rating: 1.0

Bussijuht ei lasknud sisse kuna olime noormehed. Bussijuhilt küsisime kas kohti on vaba ja ta ütles et ei ole.Peale meie tulid naised, kes ka küsisid ja said. Tahtsime küsida miks meie ei saa aga ta pani ukse kinni ja sõitis välja. (21.12.2019)

Maria-Helena Loik
Rating: 5.0

Tänud Taisto Reiside bussijuhile, klienditeenindajale ja juhatajale, kes täna topelt ostetud pileti probleemi ülikiirelt lahendasid! Tuju läheb kohe paremaks ja maailm paistab helgem kui asju saab ajada selliste sõbralike, meeldivate ja asjalike inimestega! (09.08.2011)

Hendrik Köhler
Rating: 5.0

Tegu on väga kvaliteetse bussifirmaga, mis hindab täpsust, puhtust ja viisakat teenindust.;) (29.10.2010)

Jelena Laanjärv
Rating: 5.0

Bussifirma TAISTO Selgus, et firma teeb esimest reisi bussiga Ukrainasse. Bussijuht Anatoli oli mõnus muhe mees, kes ostis Tšernigovi turult kanajalgu kohalikele näljase väljanägemisega kassidele. Kahjuks ei saanud ta hästi hakkama GPS süsteemiga ja Valgevenes läks 1,5 tundi Vitebskist välja sõitmiseks. Teine asi oli bussijuht Tõnu - rahulik, asjalik, suure jutuga, seltskondlik- ühesõnaga oma mees. Nalja sai ja tore oli. Reis oli grupile ning me külastasime oma sõpruskollektiive. Nägime, sõime-jõime, imestasime, aga kõige rohkem naersime, nautisime puhkust ja kohalike ärimeeste külalislahkust. Saime ka asjalikud olla, õpetades Kozeletsi linnas restorani näitsikutele küüslauguleibade tegemist. Tulid HOOPIS teistsugused aga head ikka. Meie (Taisto) nn Aafrika teemaline buss oli kohalik vaatamisväärsus. Ilus Kiiev, lahked inimesed, viletsad ja meile võõrad olmetingimused. Kuid Taisto - tõeline vedamine! Kellegile tegi nalja, aga naer on ju terviseks (22.09.2010)

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