Sökord "varemed"

Angerja Linnuse Varemed

Angerja vasallborg byggdes under 1300- och 1400-talen. Senare har den flera gånger byggts om enligt tidsenliga regler. Intressant att veta: *Angerja borg är en av de äldsta stenbyggnaderna i Raplalän. *Troligtvis förstördes borgen i det livländska kriget, idag finns delar kvar av den höga muren. *Folkmun säger att det går...

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Käina Church Ruins

Construction on this church was started about the same time that Columbus discovered America (1492). Like in Pühalepa, it replaced a wooden church that was built a few hundred years earlier. Its walls were skillfully constructed out of pieces of limestone with a precision that would be difficult to duplicate even today. The...

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Laiuse Order Fortress Ruins

The ruins of Laiuse Order Castle are located on the side of the Jõgeva-Laiuse Highway. The fortress was started at the end of the 14th century by the Livonian Order to protect the eastern frontier. In the late Middle Ages Laiuse castle, the first fortification for defence with firearms in Estonia, was completed. The walls...

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Order Castle Ruins And Rampart Tower Of Paide

Building of Paide order castle started in 1265 under the leadership of Konrad von Mandern. Local white limestone was suitable material to build the fortification. The original tower of Tall Hermann was octagonal with the height of over 30 meters and the thickness of the walls of about 3 meters. The rampart tower and castle...

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Otepää Piiskopilossi Varemed

I Otepääs fornborg kan du se ruinerna av Estlands första tegelbyggnad. Nämligen grundade Hermann I som blev Tartus biskop på hösten år 1224 sin dioces första fästning här. Runtomkring biskopsslottet uppkom på 1200-talet en köpstad, där främst hantverkare och köpmän bodde. Bra att veta: *De äldsta spåren av bosättning...

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Ruins Of The Citadel In Kirumpää

First written sources of citadel of Kirumpää situated on the bank of River Võhandu and belonging to bishop of Tartu date back to 1322 when Lithuanian Prince Gediminas demolished it. Citadel has been attacked, demolished and rebuilt in several occasions. During the II half of 15th century the citadel became a camp castle-type...

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