Sökord "församlingar"

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Vormsi Vald

An island of natural beauty with a Swedish influence dating back to the 13th century. Today, Estonian residents welcome you to Vormsi. These people are very conscious of and dedicated to their unique environment and to providing a good range of services. Tourist and visitor numbers along with summer residents are expected to...

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Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Väike-Maarja Vald

Väike-Maarja municipality is situated on the Pandivere Heights in the southern part of Lääne-Viru County and borders on Vinni, Laekvere, Avanduse, Rakke, Koeru (Järva County) and Tamsalu municipalities. 3 km to the west of Väike-Maarja lies the 100m-wide Vao valley. It is flanked by a chain of hills and eskers, the highest...

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Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post

Skicka e-post